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Give a kid a fish and you’ll feed them for a day. Teach a kid to fish and you’ll not only feed them for a lifetime, but also open up their potential to love the outdoors and appreciate conservation. That’s how the Chinese proverb goes, right? 🙂

I didn’t learn how to fish until well into adulthood. It’s no blame on my parents. It simply wasn’t an accessible activity for me. No fishing pole, no education on how to use one, didn’t know the first thing about being on a lake, and I was basically a first generation immigrant (born in S. Korea but in the U.S. by age 3) just trying to blend in with my friends. But boy, do I wish I could’ve started much younger. You can bet when Nick and I have an little ones of our own, we’ll encourage them to pick up a fishing rod in hopes of growing their curiosity for the lake, the critters in them, and the world around them. Cue: Youth Fishing Guide.

I first heard about Youth Fishing Guide when I drove by a truck that had the logo and decals written across its rear window. That truck belongs to guide and owner Jim Newton. He’s the former owner of Jimmy’s Bait and Tack in Stillwater, Minnesota and a 30+ year angler. The service is offered in the Twin Cities metro and surrounding suburbs. Jim has kids of his own and knows the ins and outs of catering lessons for children. Lucky for me, I got to tag along on one of his guiding trips on White Bear Lake!

I’ve never actually gone fishing with kids before this! First of all, my gosh. They’re such quick learners. Maybe it’s because they are at that point in their lives where they can retain new information and skills quickly?? Secondly, Jim is a champ for guiding four kids all at the same time. As proof in the video above, all four caught sunnies!

These kids experienced fishing on a lake all while having a fun time with no pressure. That’s the part I love most. There’s no pressure to catch a monster — #learningisfun. The goal is to learn and have a good time. Parents, you can tag along too and let it be a educational/bonding experience for both you and your kids! Catch some rays, catch some fish, and catch a lot of photos of your child with their fishes. Kids will learn all about safety, how to tie knots, setup slip bobbers, casting, electronics, how to read maps, catch and release, checking depth, invasive species, recycling, keeping our lakes clean, and of course — patience.

Learn more about Youth Fishing Guide and give your child the opportunity to experience fishing. Thank you to Jim for letting me tag along for a fantastic evening on the lake.


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